Christmas Party 2021

The date was Friday the 10th of December, and it was time for youth:link’s annual Christmas party. Wearing their Christmas jumpers, the youth arrived each bringing along a wrapped present for our Secret Santa game. The catch was the present had to be something that they got for free or already had around the house. With plenty of snacks to go around, the annual Christmas party had begun!

Gingerbread Houses

This year we split the youth into different groups and challenged them to build and decorate the most impressive gingerbread house they could. Let’s just say not all of the houses turned out like the package intended…

Nativity Plays

A youth:link classic, we ask the youth to create and act out a short scene based on the nativity in whatever style they wanted. After some time to prepare, each group had the chance to perform their play to the others. Hilarity ensued.

Our Christmas party was a fitting end to our first term of the year and a highlight for many. We look forward to all that 2022 holds for youth:link. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!


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